Season 8
the festival Partners Press FAQ
Short Form Competition

Rather Burn

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The series presented by...
Broadcast on 9 April 10:30 - 12:00 | Espace Miramar
Mejor Quemarse
Argentina, Spain - 2024
Sebastián Tornamira, Laura Grandinetti

Season 1 - 5 x 8 minutes | World Premiere
In Spanish, English and French, subtitled in French and English
Episodes 1 & 2

In presence of director Laura Grandinetti and actor and actresses Sebastián Tornamira, Dana Crosa, Julieta Zapiola and Donna Sanguinetti.


After Cata's passing, her friends, Luciana, Bruno and Paula, receive an urn with her ashes and an unusual list of to-do tasks. As they resolve the latter, they avoid connecting with the pain Cata's passing away proposes: they laugh, fight, escape, dance, kiss and, finally, say goodbye. 


Note from the artistic direction

A biting and impertinent writing, a daring and creative directing, Rather Burn is like a fire full of freshness inviting us to join the adventures of Luciana, Bruno and Paula. With a funerary urn under one arm and an unlikely to-do list in hand, we ride along, between joy and tears, while they say goodbye to their friend Cata.

Technical Sheet

Credits: © Rather Burn

Original Title
Mejor Quemarse

Written by
Sebastián Tornamira

Directed by
Laura Grandinetti

Crisitan Santillán 

Emanuel Manfredi

Dana Crosa, Donna Tefa, Sebastián Tornamira, Julieta Zapiola

UN3, Ley Primera, Bucarest Argentina

