Season 8
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Documentary Series Competition


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The series presented by...
Broadcast on 8 April 10:00 - 12:00 | Espace Miramar
Niemand die het ziet
Netherlands - 2024
Mea Dols de Jong, Ester Gould & Reijer Zwaan

Season 1 - 4 x 50 minutes | International Premiere
In English, Dutch, Ukrainian, Russian, Chinese, Farsi, subtitled in French and English
Episodes 1 & 2

In presence of directors Mea Dols de Jong and Chris Westendorp and protagonists Bart Groothuis and Huib Modderkolk.


The four-part geopolitical thriller Hidden takes us to the shadowy world of espionage, sabotage and disinformation. Daring protagonists in The Netherlands, Ukraine, Taiwan and Brussels are determined to expose today’s unseen threats. How do we protect our democracies in modern times of war?


Note from the artistic direction

Hidden, a geopolitical thriller all the more terrifying as it is real, takes us around the globe. A wild investigation illustrating the fight for our democracies, this series restores the prestige of investigative journalism.

Technical Sheet

Credits: © BNNVARA/The Other Room

Original Title
Niemand die het ziet

Written by
Mea Dols de Jong, Ester Gould & Reijer Zwaan

Directed by
Mea Dols de Jong & Chris Westendorp

Jean Counet

Pelle Asselbergs, Patrick Schonewille, Pepijn Ahsmann

Alexander Reumers

Huib Modderkolk, Sevghil Musaieva, Bart Groothuis, Puma Shen, Artem Starosiek, Billion Lee

The Other Room in co-production with BNNVARA
