Season 1 - 7 x 50 minutes | World Premiere at | CANNESERIES Season 6
In French with English subtitles
Episodes 1 & 2
In the presence of co-creator and director Tristan Séguéla, co-creator Olivier Demangel and actors Laurent Lafitte, Joséphine Japy, Camille Chamoux and Hakim Jemili.
Tapie is a mini-series that traces the romantic destiny of an extraordinary character, Bernard Tapie, one of the most iconic and controversial French public figures. Throughout the seven episodes, Laurent Lafitte will step into the shoes of Bernard Tapie, exploring his rise and fall.
Note from the artistic direction
With this Bernard Tapie biopic, Netflix is back in competition, and for the first time with a French series. It revisits the origins of the Tapie phenomenon, who didn’t start off quite so well, between a career in music cut short, small business issues, meeting Dominique, and his difficult relationship with his parents… But we can already sense in all of these, his relentless determination, carried by a completely possessed performance by Laurent Lafitte, and marvelous supporting roles.
Technical Sheet
Credits: © Mika Cotellon - NETFLIX
Original Title
Written by
Tristan Séguéla & Olivier Demangel
Directed by
Tristan Séguéla
Hichame Alaouié, Romain Carcanade
Alice Plantin, Grégoire Sivan, Jean-Baptiste Beaudoin, Alexis Marro, Justine Roussillon
Amine Bouhafa
Laurent Lafitte, Joséphine Japy, Patrick D’assumçao, Sarah Suco, Antoine Reinartz, Ophélia Kolb, Hakim Jemili, Alexandre Blazy, Camille Chamoux, Fabrice Luchini
Bruno Nahon - Unité