Season 8
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The Inside Game, Seeds of Wrath

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The series presented by...
Jeux d'influence, les combattantes
France - 2022
Antoine Lacomblez, Jean-Xavier de Lestrade

6 x 55 minutes | World Premiere
In French with English subtitles
Episodes 1 and 2

A minister of agriculture caught in the trap of exercising power; a lobbyist ready to do anything to hush up a health scandal; mothers helpless in the face of the drama that affects them; a journalist determined to discover the truth...

A strikingly topical story, a confrontation between politicians, lobbies, media and activists, by Oscar-winning director Jean-Xavier de Lestrade.

Note from the artistic direction
Jean-Xavier de Lestrade proves once again that he is one of the greatest portraitists of modern society and all its failings. After Laëtitia, the creator is back with Jeux d’influence, les combattantes and an anthology season about the relationship between lobby groups and the food-processing industry. A series of chilling realism!

Technical Sheet

Credits: © What’s Up Films

Original Title
JEUX D'INFLUENCE, les combattantes

Written by
Antoine Lacomblez, Jean-Xavier de Lestrade, Séverine Werba

Directed by
Jean-Xavier de Lestrade

Elin Kirschfink

Sophie Brunet

Raf Keunen

Alix Poisson, Laurent Stocker De La Comédie-Française, Pierre Perrier, Marilou Aussilloux, Pascal Elbé, Jean-François Sivadier, Guillaume Marquet, Juliette Navis, Armelle Abibou, Francis Leplay, Eric Herson-Macarel, Noam Morgensztern de La Comédie-Française, Aurélia Petit, Adrien Simion

What’s Up Films, Arte France, Pictanovo

Newen Connect
