Season 8
2025 Edition Partners Press FAQ

Diana Boss

Place Espace Miramar
Broadcast on 11 October 14:00 - 15:10

While she is starting an internship in one of the most prestigious law firm, Malika, 22, finds herself entering a rap contest on the radio. She has put her passion aside, urged by her father, to rather focus on law. During the day, Malika helps defend cases; at night she becomes “Diana Boss”, and clashes rappers on the radio, for a battle contest in which she slowly imposes her style. In both, her convictions drive her to fight the social injustice she is experiencing herself. But soon, her double identity will be revealed and both passions will cross path. Malika, who is trying to fit in this world, will have to choose her own destiny: law or rap?

The Cannes Rendez-Vous are exclusively intended for a French-speaking audience.

Credits: © Jean-Philippe BALTEL/ Rémy GRANDROQUES/ FTV-La Belle Télé