Behind the Scenes
Espace Miramar
Broadcast on
8 April 11:00 - 12:00
Discover the specificities of some of the crafts of the series industry. Creator of opening/closing credits, screenwriters, directors and producer will come to talk about their work and unveil their behind-the-scenes tricks of the trade.
Meet & Greet moderated by Olivier Joyard (Les Inrocks).
In the presence of Laurent Brett (creator of opening/closing credits - Infidèle, Les Ombres Rouges), Audrey Fouché (screenwriter - Les Revenants, Borgia), Vianney Lebasque (screenwriter & director - Les Grands), Fred Garson (screenwriter - Les hommes de l'ombre, Insoupçonnable), Guillaume Renouil (producer - Fais pas ci, fais pas ça).